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Denise Pothier

Denise Pothier

Indigenous Relations

Denise Pothier has a background in chemical engineering and more than twenty-five years of industry experience. She is currently the Vice President of Practice Services and the first-ever Vice President of Indigenous Relations at Stantec. She sits on the board of directors of Techsploration and the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB); she serves on Engineers Canada’s Equitable Participation committee and is the current chair for the Indigenous Peoples participation in engineering committee; and she serves on Engineers Nova Scotia’s Council and is the past-chair for the Women in Engineering committee.  She is a recipient of 2016 the Canadian Progress Club Halifax Women of Excellence Award for Management and the Professions; was named as one of the 2018 Canada’s Inspiring Fifty women in STEM; and named one of 2018 Canada’s Most Powerful Women: Top 100 Award Winners.
